Life is Complete: Manimal Movie Now in the Works

Somewhere between Battlestar Galactica and One West Waikiki, prolific TV producer Glen A. Larson co-created a series called Manimal, and because everything old is exploitable, we will soon be enjoying a Manimal movie on big screens everywhere.

It was the fall of 1983, Reagan was President of a crime plagued America and only one man could cut through the bureaucratic red tape was a man, who could become an animal… A Manimal! The series followed Dr. Jonathan Chase (Simon MacCorkindale), a good looking rich bastard who could shape shift into an animal, usually a hawk or a panther, and used it to fight crime alongside a pair of police officers.

In case that explanation went over your head, here’s the oh, so 80s opening sequence that preceded every episode of Manimal.

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Hard to believe NBC scheduled this beauty up against Dallas Friday nights, huh?

Well, apparently Larson is going to double down on Manimal as The Hollywood Reporter is reporting that he’s taking a position as producer on a big budget, big screen Hollywood remake of Manimal. Sadly, MacCorkindale died in 2010 so he won’t be able to be a part of the project, but let the casting process begin! Who might be able to fill the shoes, and paws and claws of Dr. Jonathan Chase? My money’s on Christian Bale because, well, that would be awesome.

Obviously, we’ll keep you posted with news as it develops.

Source: Bleeding Cool